Sean\’s Sicily

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Posts Tagged ‘accident


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A friend had a accident on the way into work yesterday when some kid bashed into the on the autostrada. Damage done, cops called, statements taken. The guy that did the damage is uninsured, no driving licence, doesn’t own the car, nothing. It couldn’t be worse for my friend, because now my friend going to have to claim off  their own insurance, and press charges against the kid, because otherwise the insurance won’t pay out.

Except that it can get worse – and it does when one of the cops muttered that the kid has ‘history’.

“History”. Not an exact translation of what the cop said, but that’s the English version. And that’s bad news. If we’re talking about shoplifting, a bit of possession, drunken antics, I’m pretty sure the cop wouldn’t have felt obliged to toss out that bit of information…

Last night, the car was burnt out, right outside the house. Now in Ireland, a lot of people only have 3rd-Party & Theft insurance. Here’s hoping the policy also covers fire.

Written by seancasaidhe

May 15, 2008 at 10:01 pm

Posted in Cosa Nostra, Sicily

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