Sean\’s Sicily

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Posts Tagged ‘spam

Annoying Commercial Opportunists not really getting Twitter or Linked

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I just browsed into LinkedIn today and saw this question on my homepage;

“What advice do you have for twitterers just getting started?”

As it happens I’ve a bit of advice to give out, having been on twitter for a while  now.  But when I clicked on the question, instead of something substantial, it was just a blurb for this guy.  So it was a totally bogus and misleading question.  Another irritating factor is that the content of the question is this

Click to Check Out My 3 New Innovative Twitters:

Well I did check ’em out;

  • Solutionman is following 1,412 streams, has 1,174 followers – and precisely 3 updates.
  • SolutionPeople is following only 672 streams, has 496 followers – and exactly 3 updates too.  Two of which are the same as those in “Solutionman”.
  • KnowBrainerTips is more of the same.

Innovative?  Um…
And now this guy’s set up a LinkedIn group – on twittering!  With precisely 9 updates.  3 of which are the same update spammed to 3 different accounts.

KnowBrainer?  This guy should focus on putting interesting things on Twitter instead of trying to use Twitter as a spamming tool.  But that’d be a no-brainer.  You get people interested in your stream and they start checking out your other stuff.

And if he follows me, I’ll bloody block him.

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Written by seancasaidhe

March 4, 2009 at 9:03 am